Common Childhood Illnesses

Childhood is a stage of growing up, playing and attending school; however, children are often in contact with different viruses. Thus eradicating common childhood illnesses pass is very important so as to enhance the health of the specific child at hand. Below are some common childhood illnesses and how they can be handled The common conditions that are frequently seen in children include the following.

1. Common Cold: Common cold is yet another condition that affects children frequently and is caused by one of the many viruses. These are the common signs and some of them include; nose drain, cough, throat irritation. Mention that the regular amounts of sleep, fluids, and cleanliness are beneficial for controlling or treating colds in children.

2. Ear Infections: Otitis media is evident and highly likely to affect the children in their early ages. Provoked by a cold or respiratory infection is also quite common. These are earache, fever, and embarrassment especially in children. The approach used in managing patients includes administration of analgesics, while in severe cases, the patient is prescribed antibiotics. Others include breast feeding, no smoking around the child and ensuring the child has all the required immunizations.

3. Gastroenteritis: Usually called stomach flu, gastroenteritis is going to make you throw up, have diarrhea, and stomach aches. Most commonly, is it due to viral or bacterial invasions in the body of the affected individual. The children should be given foods and fluids during the day since drinking a lot of water is recommended. Solutions like Oral Rehydration Therapy’s can be used to replace fluids and sodium/potassium lost due to diarrhea.

4. Asthma: Asthma is thus easily defined as this is a long-term disease that affects the airways. Some of the signs that indicate it is time for admission are wheezing, coughing, and breathlessness. Mentioned above is the fact that managing asthma includes; avoiding certain triggers, strictly following the doctor’s prescription and ensuring that one has an action plan in case of an asthma attack.

5. Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease: This is a viral disease that affects children on top of producing sores in the mouth, the child develops rashes on hands and the feet. It can be prevented by washing to reduce its transmission and confining the sick children to isolate it from others.

These are some of the manageable sicknesses that parents and caregivers should familiarize with to help their clients cope with them rightfully. Analyses and immunizations are also crucial hence children should have periodic check-ups to enhance healthy childhood and avoid such related illnesses.

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