Understanding and Managing Bipolar Disorder

t is a severe state of mind in which a person reverses between two poles, which are the depressed and the manic states. This disorder is must be understood and managed by affected persons and their families.

Common features of manic episode therefore includes elevated mood, increased energy and hyperactivity. These periods are characterized by feeling high, having enlarged self-esteem, and indulging in dangerous actions. On the other hand, depressive episodes are characterized by feelings of hopelessness , helplessness, worthlessness low energy and no desire to engage in normal everyday activities. Such significant shift in mood can affect the relationship between the patient and his/her family, friends, and at work and vocation, and other activities of the day.

Most of the treatments for bipolar disorder include use of drugs, counseling, and alterations in one’s daily activities. The substances like mood stabilizers and the antipsychotics may also manage mood swings as well as the antidepressants. Therefore, getting around the right medication and correct dosage requires cooperation with the healthcare provider.

Several forms of bipolar disorder treatment also include therapy. Among them, CBT enhances identification of distorted cognition and the modification of such cognition, and psychoeducation offers beneficial information concerning the disorder and management methods. Family treatments may also be useful for building communication and cooperation in a family.

Since bipolar disorder is greatly influenced by the factors in one’s day to day life, changes in lifestyle are a major factor in the management of this disorder. Adequate sleep, being on a healthy nutrition, and exercising on a regular basis will assist in regulating the mood swings. Foods that should not be taken include those with alcohol and recreational drugs, as they cause mood swings.

Also, methods of stress reduction, including mindfulness, meditation, and other relaxation methods can play a role in avoiding manic and depressive episodes. Seeking friends, family, support groups, etc for emotional support and to comprehend with them.

Through the available treatments which include medication, therapy and lifestyle changes, bipolar disorder subjects can function fully. There is also a need for early and constant treatment so that the condition does not complicate the patient’s life.

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