Category: Health Care

Challenges in Healthcare Administration

Health care management is a challenging and dynamic subject that encompasses many difficulties. Executive managers bear the responsibility of working in shifting circumstances and at the same time providing quality patient care. Therefore, recognizing and managing these are key issues to the running of healthcare facilities. Another major threat has to do with the constant […]

End-of-Life Care: Options and Considerations

Palliative care means the requisite medical management of considerably ill, life-limited individuals and refers for the active, comprehensive treatment of distressing symptoms and other conditions connected with the approach of death. It includes a number of choices and factors to satisfy all the physiological, psychological, and spiritual aspects of the patient. Among the options available […]

The Importance of Sleep for Children’s Health

Resting is one of the most significant aspects of a child’s physical, social, and emotional well-being. Sufficient quantity of sleep is critical to physical development as well as for proper working of the brain, maintaining of suitable temperament, and generally, personal health. However, to parents’ surprise, many children of the present generation get inadequate sleep […]

The Impact of Screen Time on Children’s Health

Technology has continue to advance and children are now more than ever in contact with screens. From having mobile phones, tabs, laptops, and computers to watching television, children are spending a lot of time in front of screens which has become an issue of concern to parents, teachers, and physician. There are social and academic […]

Tips for maintaining optimal heart health

The health of the heart is quite essential in the overall health of the body since IT has been noted to affect most of the organs in the body. Thus, using effective and safe practices in diet and physical activity, an individual is able to lower the chance of heart disease and encourage a healthy […]

Benefits of testosterone therapy

Androgen replacement therapy especially in hypogonadal males is associated with increased health benefits that has positive impacts on the quality of life of the patients. Here are some key advantages of testosterone therapy:Here are some key advantages of testosterone therapy: Improved Sexual Health:The action of testosterone in male sexual function cannot be overemphasized; it is […]

Importance of prostate health screenings

Evaluations of prostate health are important for men and more so when they are in their advanced age to check for woes that may arise regarding the prostate gland. These screenings usually entail the measurement of the patients’ PSA, a blood test, and DRE performed by a health officer. Here’s why these screenings are crucial:Here’s […]

Common myths about pregnancy

Pregnancy is indeed one of the most precious periods in a woman’s life; It is but an exciting time for any soon to be mother but at the same time pregnancy comes with different myths. Here, I and other authors have aimed at dispelling some of the common myths and contributing good and accurate information […]

Importance of regular gynecological exams

The women must receive obligatory gynecological check-ups to diagnose possible problems on time. These exams which should, ideally, be taken once annually for most women involve a physical examination of the reproductive system by a gynecologist or any other qualified healthcare professional of the female client. Early Detection and Prevention This is among the main […]

How to Manage Food Allergies

Proper management of food allergies in necessary in order to avoid adverse effects on the body leading to serious consequences of an allergic reaction. This is a condition whereby the immune system of a human being responds to one or some foods as a threat to the health of the human being causing certain signs […]

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